Monday, May 12, 2014

Initial Feedback - The Inaugural Grand Prix of Indy

Mug-N-Bun never fails to satisfy
Following the #GPofINDY, and surviving a near brain-freeze from rapidly trying to ingest too much Mug-N-Bun root beer float, I had a three-hour drive home to recount the day's events. 

It's my opinion that direct and unfiltered customer-to-provider feedback is a good thing and especially when the experience is fresh in the mind. Upon returning home with sleepy family members in tow, I resisted my usual race-return tradition of watching the TV coverage and sent out only my most vivid impressions via Twitter. The immediacy of approximately five thoughts, I thought, would gather a decent snapshot of my experience. 

Listed below are those tweets in chronological order, which ended up being forwarded by a follower of mine to Douglas Boles, President of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  He graciously responded. 

Who knew a blowhard blogger such as myself can provide useful, concise, and unbiased feedback? 

The President of IMS, that's who. You're a good man, Douggie Boles. 

I encourage all you reading this to add your own ON-SITE facility experiences in the comments below, and save the racing and TV critiques for other places. I believe that no opinion is 'right' or 'wrong', as long as you strive to be as fair and honest with your input as possible. 

I'll be happy to forward all of the input I receive to the uppity-ups at IMS. The more 'pixels' we have from the event, the better the overall picture they'll have.